Refund Policy

Pure Gumption Group provides a contract refund to all clients who may be dissatisfied. The refund amount is determined by the cancellation terms specified in a client's contract.

Student Refund/Withdrawal Policy

Pure Gumption provides a course/contract refund to all students/clients who may be dissatisfied. The refund amount is determined by the following:

  1. The date by which we receive a course withdrawal notice or by the cancellation terms specified in a client's contract. A course withdrawal notice must be made in writing by a school, district or other customer representative or by a parent/guardian of a home-schooled student. Acceptable forms of written requests include an email to, a letter sent to Pure Gumption, PO Box 4725, Mesa, Arizona 85211, or by fax, (480) 907-1292.
  2. If you withdraw after completing 0 to 10% of the course, you will receive a full refund minus a withdrawal fee of $2 per course.
  3. If you withdraw after completing 11% to 50% of the course, you will receive half of the course price minus a withdrawal fee of $2 per course.
  4. After 50% course completion, you will not receive a refund.

Privacy Policy

Pure Gumption strongly protects the privacy rights of its clients and students. We may collect personal data required for student participation from participating students or educational institutions, and we abide by the regulations set forth in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). Pure Gumption will not disclose student information to any other individuals or institutions without written permission from the student's parent or legal guardian or the student him/herself, if over 18.

In our course surveys, we uphold the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 98), which governs the administration to students of a survey, analysis, or evaluation that concerns one or more of eight protected areas.

Academic Integrity Policy

Pure Gumption Group maintains a strong commmitment to the principles of academic integrity and respectable student/client conduct. To maintain a safe and positive online environment, Pure Gumption Group requires that students meet the expectations listed below.

Academin integrity means:

  1. We will be honest in our dealings with clients, students, parents and educational institutions.
  2. Students do not allow others to copy their work. Assignments submitted should represent the student's individual knowledge and ability.
  3. Students do not share with other students specific information regarding lesson assessments or exams.
  4. Students use only authorized notes and materials while taking tests or completing assignments. Students should openly disclose all materials used on assignments and tests to parents, teachers, advisors, and other school staff, and use only those materials allowed for each assignment. This guideline particularly applies to exams, which can be either "open book" or "closed book." Using books, notes, or other materials while taking a "closed book" test constitutes a serious breach of academic integrity.
  5. Students do not allow other (including parents or family members) to complete their work for them. While Pure Gumption Group encourages parents to actively participate in their child(ren)'s education, adults should use careful judgment when helping children complete assignments. All student work must accurately reflect the student's abilities, effort, and time spent on task. Parents should instruct and assist with difficult concepts, not give answers to specific questions or complete assignments for their children.
  6. Students do not plagiarize. Plagiarism is defined as using another's words, information, or ideas without giving credit to the original source. It involves copying the work of other students, authors, organizations, or individuals and presenting it as the student's own. Electronic resources and the Internet greatly expand opportunities for plagiarism, making it easy to copy and paste others' work into student documents or even download entire papers and claim ownership for them. These practices are severe violations of academic integrity. Pure Gumption Group may use technologies that search the Internet and other sources to detect work that is not original. To avoid plagiarism, students must cite all outside references used when completing their work, including Internet resources. Pure Gumption Group recommends using the MLA style for resource citation. Students may find these guidelines at or visit their public library for more information. If Pure Gumption Group determines that a student has violated any of the guidelines above, then Pure Gumption Group will contact the participating educational institution or the student's family. Violations of academic integrity often result in academic consequences from the participation educational institution that may result in no credit on an assignment or no course credit and automatic withdrawal from a course.
  7. Students will respect the ideas, beliefs, cultures, and individual differences of others. Students engaging in verbal or written abuse, intimidation, harassment, discrimination, disrespect of authority, fighting, profanity, obscene behavior, extortion, gang-related activities, or other such behaviors will receive consequences ranging from an informal conference to mandatory withdrawal based on student attitude, severity, and prior history.

Acceptable Use Policy

Pure Gumption uses the Internet to create an educational community. All behavior within this community should demonstrate the high levels of responsibility, respect, tolerance, integrity, and courtesy. Students should abide by the following as citizens of the Internet and participants in an online learning environment.

  1. I recognize and accept the responsibility for my actions and conduct on the Internet.
  2. I will not participate in any type of inappropriate behavior while online. Inappropriate behavior includes but is not limited to: accessing, viewing and/or distributing vulgar or demeaning language, images and/or audio; hacking; and damaging and/or altering software, data and/or hardware so as to harm and/or inconvenience others.
  3. I will be courteous and respectful of property (including, but not limited to, data, programs and/or information) and people on the Internet.
  4. I will not share email addresses, instant messaging aliases or other personal contact information, or provide information regarding outside websites, including but not limited to URLs, site names, etc., while I am participating in school discussion groups, chats, listservs, forums, or other forms of group communication. I understand that comments containing such information will be blocked by the discussion administrator and may result in other disciplinary action, including mandatory withdrawal.
  5. I will not violate copyright laws.
  6. I understand that any abuse and/or misuse of that privilege may result in disciplinary action from my educational institution or mandatory withdrawal from Pure Gumption.
  7. If you have a technical problem with our website, you may call or email our in-house technical support, If the issue is with your computer, please contact the technical support for your computer and its software. They know your computer system and its software problems better than our in-house technical support.



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